Recommended Resources for Catholic Discipleship
Here are some great resources to better understand how to be a Catholic disciple and make more!
Forming Intentional Disciples - by Sherry Weddell
According to Weddell, these are times of immense challenge and immense opportunity for the Catholic Church. If the Church is to reverse present trends, the evangelizers must first be evangelized- in other words, Catholics in the pew must make a conscious choice to know and follow Jesus before they can draw others to him.
Making Missionary Disciples - by Curtis Martin
In his book, Martin highlights three main habits of disciples: divine intimacy, authentic friendship, and conviction about spiritual multiplication. The author describes these habits as “simple but hard,” because they involve changing behavior to make evangelization possible.
Living as Missionary Disciples - by USCCB
Living as Missionary Disciples provide dioceses, parishes, and other church ministries with a roadmap to “new paths for the Church’s journey” of evangelization.
Rebuilt - by Michael White and Tom Corcoran
This book is a rich resource for pastors, pastoral staffers, and parishioners providing valuable and useful approaches that are easily transferrable to the parish setting. Rebuilt takes the New Evangelization seriously and points the way forward for others to do the same.
Mission of the Redeemer, Redemptoris Mission, Encyclical Letter of John Paul II
John Paul II boldly proclaims in his Encyclical Letter that the moment has come to commit all of the Church’s energies to a new evangelization and to the mission ad gentes. “No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim Christ to all peoples.”
Manual for Spiritual Warfare - by Paul Thigpen
The primary purpose of this manual is to help everyday Catholics recognize, resist, and overcome the Enemy’s attacks in their own lives and the lives for whom they bear responsibility. Engaging spiritual warfare is a key component of discipleship
The Anguish of the Jews, Father Edward. H. Flannery
A significant contribution to Jewish-Christian relations and brings the Catholic community an entirely new development in their thinking about the people of the Jewish faith.
Unleashing the Power of Intercessory Prayer, Joseph Hollcraft
Catholics can struggle with intercessory prayer because they lack the key steps to becoming an intercessor. This book provides these steps!