This podcast is a response to St. Francis of Assisi’s summons to rebuild God’s Church and is for those who long to restore the luster of the Church. We explore how this theme is astonishingly relevant today. In each session, we examine sacred scripture, excerpts from the catechism, the lives of the saints, and the teaching of the Church, and challenge our listeners to join the call to rebuild and renew the Catholic faith here in America.
Our prayer is that through the ministry of this podcast and our lay apostolate, Go Rebuild My Church, we can provide pathways for you to participate in the rebuilding process and experience renewal.
This week, Peter and Leslie discuss how, practically, a local parish moves from "maintenance to mission." Barnabas and Paul had a clear strategy as they traveled on their first missionary journey. They were not random or "hit and miss" in their plans. So, too, the Church has given us a strategy for the new evangelization, directing us with a plan that leads us in our evangelistic mission
This week, Peter and Leslie explore Saint Paul and his conversion. The Lord dramatically saved this Apostle to the Gentiles.
This week, Peter and Leslie interview one of the key thought leaders in the American Catholic Church, Sherry Weddell. Since her groundbreaking book in 2012, Forming Intentional Disciples, Sherry has been a key spokesperson in the Church whose wisdom has been sought after by Cardinals, Bishops, clergy, religious, and lay leadership.
This week, Peter and Leslie discuss the difference between praise and worship. Rebuilding Catholic Worship is directly tied to the call for Catholics to return to Mass. If we are without the Mass, Catholics are without true worship!
In the second part of a two-part series, Peter and Leslie discuss the encounters both St. Peter and St. Paul experienced in the Acts of the Apostles with practitioners of sorcery and the occult. Although these encounters took place 2,000 years ago, Satan still today tries to trap Catholics into engaging in the occult. This often manifests through games, entertainment, eastern meditation, and media. This broadcast will help you recognize these schemes of Satan and give steps to be set free.
Peter and Leslie follow St. Paul on his first missionary journey in this week's broadcast. Immediately, he and Barnabas encounter the magician Elymas. St. Paul confronts him and his magic arts, which are hindering the spread of the Gospel. We, too, must be on our guard against the occult in all its forms. Often, occult oppression comes in games like the Ouija board, astrology, and yoga.
This week, Peter and Leslie discuss what they believe is the most important call from the Holy Spirit to the American Church: to move from maintenance to mission!
This week, Peter conducts a transformative interview with Brian Bibb, the Director of Mission and Discipleship for Men at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Indianapolis. Brian presents a framework for integrating mission and discipleship into the local community, a key issue in most Catholic parishes.
This week, Peter and Leslie discuss the wonderful truth that Jesus came to save and heal us. We learn this week that there is an easy and non-threatening four-step way to pray for those that need healing. As we step out to pray, the Lord can do amazing acts of healing, just as He has done throughout history.
This week, Peter and Leslie discuss the wonderful truth that Jesus came to save and heal us. There are different areas in which Jesus heals us and several ways He heals us. In this episode, the Doanes explain how these blessings are still available to His people today.