GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding a Missional Church-Part IX - 10/27/23
Rebuilding a Missional Church! In the middle of this important series, the Lord gave Peter and Leslie a providential divine appointment! They have just returned from a two-week pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey. They visited the places where St. Paul and his team carried the Gospel on their second and third missionary journeys. In this third episode, the Doanes describe what St. Paul emphasized in his preaching on his missionary journeys: Christ Jesus and Him crucified!. They also discuss not only what St. Paul shared but also where he shared the Gospel. The Apostle carries out his personal calling, but also, becomes our model on how we, as missionary disciples, need to reproduce what he did in the first century. Just as St. Paul had a target for his outreach, we, too, can look at certain arenas where the Lord wants to send us. We too, can adopt St. Paul's mindset! Nothing less will change our culture and world! 

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding a Missional Church-Part VIII - 10/20/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series of broadcasts, Rebuilding a Missional Church! In the middle of this important series, the Lord gave Peter and Leslie a providential divine appointment! They have just returned from a two-week pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey. They visited the places where St. Paul and his team carried the Gospel on their second and third missionary journeys. In this second of three episodes, the Doanes describe what motivated St. Paul to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ into Europe. They also explore the culture that Paul faced and how we must learn from him as we face an anti-Christian culture today. If the Western Church is to make a turnaround and not lose relevancy, we must replicate the approach of St. Paul in our day and age!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding a Missional Church-Part VII - 10/14/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series of broadcasts, Rebuilding a Missional Church! In the middle of this important series, the Lord gave Peter and Leslie a providential divine appointment! They have just returned from a two-week pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey. They visited the places where St. Paul and his team carried the Gospel on their second and third missionary journeys. The Doanes share how going on a pilgrimage can be a powerful "life-changing" event. This particular pilgrimage provided information and, even more, provided formation and vision for rebuilding a missional church. St. Paul provides us with the mindset and strategies to make this a reality in the Western church today!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding a Missional Church-Part VI - 9/22/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series of broadcasts, Rebuilding a Missional Church! After encountering the Lord Jesus, the next step is building a personal relationship with Him. That relationship will become the basis for us to develop "our story"  of how Jesus changed our lives. The question becomes, when and where does the Lord want me to share my story? How will I know the time is right? Sacred Scripture teaches a powerful metaphor-the Open Door! Over 400 times the bible speaks of or alludes to "doors." St. Paul teaches us in the book of Colossians that "doors" are opportunities for spreading the Good News. Listen as the Doanes help make it very clear and practical on the "when" and "where" God gives us an open door!

Periodically, Leslie and I interview men and women who are rebuilding and renewing in the subject areas we are discussing. We have been discussing Rebuilding a Missional Church!  Our guest today is Nearu Di Silva, a leader and missionary in the wonderful and effective ministry, of Fellowship of Catholic University Students.  Though native of the east coast, Nearu and his wife Sarah live in Denver, CO. Nearu serves as the Director of FOCUS Retreats. His team is truly "on mission" and helps bring life-changing retreats to people at FOCUS’ 200+ locations. Sarah serves as a Formation Specialist, helping to bring effective teaching principles into the instruction of FOCUS missionaries.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding a Missional Church-Part 5 - 9/11/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series of broadcasts, Rebuilding a Missional Church! After encountering the Lord Jesus, the next step is building a personal relationship with Him. That relationship will become the basis for us to develop "our story"  of how Jesus changed our lives. Peter and Leslie share how stories are powerful and how God has "hardwired" the human brain to respond to stories in a way that facts and statistics do not compare. Putting together our personal story is an important exercise so we can be prepared to share the Lord's life with those He may send us to. A Missional Church will consist of not just a few who share the story of salvation with others. But rather, that characteristic will be in every true Catholic believer! The Lord is preparing a People who will be His instruments in these challenging yet exciting times in which we live. Will you volunteer to serve Him?

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding a Missional Church-Part 4 - 9/01/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series of broadcasts, Rebuilding a Missional Church! When St. Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God, he took the first step necessary to follow Jesus. But that would only be the beginning. Following Jesus would mean developing a personal relationship with Him. This would take place on the Lord's terms and not Peter's. So, too, with us, we are called to not only an initial commitment to our Lord, following the pattern we see in St. Peter. We are also called to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the patterns we see in Sacred Scripture and the Saints' lives. The Lord is a builder and a rebuilder. His plan is to rebuild His Church as a "missional church" by creating a company of Catholic disciples who have a deep and profound personal relationship with Him!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding a Missional Church-Part 3 - 8/25/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their new series of broadcasts, Rebuilding a Missional Church! When Jesus first spoke of building His Church, he did so at Caesarea Phillipi, where paganism, perversion, idolatry, and the "gates of hell" were fully displayed. There, St. Peter made his prototype confession of who Jesus was, the Christ, Son of the living God! There, Jesus said He would build His Church and that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. This portion of Sacred Scripture not only sets in motion the events for building the Church, but it also has the necessary dynamics to rebuild the Lord's Church in our generation. Everything that was taking place at Caesarea Phillipi has significance for us today if we are indeed going to rebuild the Catholic Church here in the West. Today's broadcast will give us a vision of how we can begin to enter this rebuilding call from Jesus Christ!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding a Missional Church-Part 2 - 8/18/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue to introduce a new series of broadcasts, Rebuilding a Missional Church! The era of church history in which we find ourselves today was prophesied by then Fr. Joseph Ratzinger in 1969. The future pope saw a Church on the horizon that would be much different than the one at the height of Christendom. Fast forward fifty-four years to 2023. and Cardinal Timothy Dolan tells us that we are now experiencing what Fr. Ratzinger saw on the horizon. This time in the Church's history is not only a challenge but a time of great hope and opportunity. The Lord Jesus is calling each of us to say "YES" as Mary did and receive the call to become a people on mission!  This series will be a life-changer!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding a Missional Church-Part I -  8/11/23
This week, Peter and Leslie begin a new series of broadcasts, Rebuilding a Missional Church! The era of church history in which we find ourselves today, was prophesied by then Fr. Joseph Ratzinger in 1969. The future pope saw a Church on the horizon that would be much different than the one at the height of Christendom. He saw a time coming where the numbers of adherents dwindled, and great changes came to the institutional structures. Yet, in the midst of tremendous change and attrition, there would arise a new army of Saints and a Church marked by true spirituality and Holy Spirit power. This indeed is the time in which we find ourselves. This series will challenge all of us to become disciples of Jesus Christ so that we can indeed join ourselves to the great mission the Lord has in store for His People. This series will be a life - changer!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-An Interview with Sherry Weddell, Author of Forming Intentional Disciples and Executive Director of the Catherine of Siena Institute - 8/04/23
An Interview with Sherry Weddell, Author of Forming Intentional Disciples and Executive Director of the Catherine of Siena Institute - This week, Peter and Leslie interview one of the key thought leaders in the American Catholic Church, Sherry Weddell. Since her groundbreaking book in 2012, Forming Intentional Disciples, Sherry has been a key spokesperson in the Church whose wisdom has been sought after by Cardinals, Bishops, clergy, religious, and lay leadership. Ms. Weddell shares how we have entered into a new epoch, one where Catholics no longer live within a culture that is affected by faith. The Church must now realize that the call to be on "mission" is not optional but necessary if we are to be faithful to the Gospel. Listeners will be encouraged and challenged to "grow up in all aspects unto Jesus Christ."

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding Discipleship in the Catholic Parish-Part 8 - 7/28/23
This week, Peter and Leslie complete their series, “Rebuilding Discipleship  in the Catholic Parish.” The call to discipleship is relatively new in the Catholic milieu yet ancient in its origin. The Doane’s have introduced what they refer to as the seven pillars of Catholic discipleship. The seventh and final pillar is “Go and Share Your Faith.” When we complete the journey of growing from a Catholic believer to a Catholic disciple, the Lord sends us out on mission. That mission is for us to give back all that Jesus Christ has given to us. St. Paul referred to himself as a "debtor" in Romans chapter one. He was in debt because of what the Lord had accomplished for him and he in turn was obligated to give back by bearing fruit in sharing the Good News with others. This week's broadcast will complete the call for each of us to become a disciple so we in turn can make disciples of others. "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations." (Matthew 28)

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding Discipleship in the Catholic Parish-Part 7 - 7/21/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series, “Rebuilding Discipleship  in the Catholic Parish.” The call to discipleship is relatively new in the Catholic milieu, yet ancient in its origin. The Doane’s have introduced what they are referring to as the seven pillars of Catholic discipleship. The sixth pillar is “Conduct Spiritual Warfare.”  Sacred Scripture teaches us that we have an enemy that seeks whom he may devour. That enemy is the devil, the fallen angels, and demons. If we take a passive approach toward the prince of darkness and his minions, we will suffer defeat, both individually, in families, and local parishes. With the victory that Jesus brought to us through the Pascal Mystery, as well as what He did and taught, we are called to engage the forces of evil and manifest His victory over them. A Catholic disciple must confront the darkness and bring the triumph of Jesus Christ into the spheres in which he or she lives. This broadcast will help all listeners to become confident to engage in this critical call of discipleship!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding Discipleship in the Catholic Parish-Part 6 - 7/14/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series, “Rebuilding Discipleship  in the Catholic Parish.” The call to discipleship is relatively new in the Catholic milieu. The Doane’s have introduced what they are referring to as the seven pillars of Catholic discipleship. The fifth pillar is “Discover, Develop, and Deploy Your Spiritual Gifts.”  This fifth pillar may be the one that is most under taught in Catholic catechesis. Each of us has received a specific charism from the Lord in order to serve Him and build up the Body of Christ. Yet we have a personal responsibility to pursue and cultivate these gifts from the Lord. This broadcast will help Catholics to understand they have been gifted by the Lord with a specific charism and the Lord will use each of us to build and rebuild the Church through exercising our individual gifts. Through Sacred Scripture and the Catholic Catechism we can hear the call to "step out" and exercise the gifts the Lord has bestowed on each of us!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding Discipleship in the Catholic Parish-Part 5 - 6/30/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series, “Rebuilding Discipleship  in the Catholic Parish.” The call to discipleship is relatively new in the Catholic milieu. The Doane’s have introduced what they are referring to as the seven pillars of Catholic discipleship. The fourth pillar is “Receive the Sacraments of Confession and Eucharist.” Recent national surveys have given some dire statistics on these two Sacraments and the place they take in the lives of the Faithful.  This week the Doane’s offer the wisdom of the saints and the truth of sanctifying grace that will inspire us to see anew the gifts of these two Sacraments! Let's rebuild our understanding of these two gifts to help us become Catholic disciples!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding Discipleship in the Catholic Parish-Part 4 - 6/25/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series, “Rebuilding Discipleship  in the Catholic Parish.” The call to discipleship is fairly new in the Catholic milieu. The Doane’s have introduced what they are referring to as the seven pillars of Catholic discipleship. The third pillar is, “Be Devoted to Prayer.” The Saints, who are models of Catholic discipleship , highlighted the importance of prayer, and what exactly prayer consisted of during their journey. This week the Doane’s share the five reasons why we do pray, and then give practical advice on how to develop your prayer life. This broadcast will help listeners learn, how to become disciples who pray!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding Discipleship in the Catholic Parish-Part 3 - 6/16/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their exciting new series. The call to discipleship is fairly new to the Catholic milieu. Sherry Weddell, in her groundbreaking book, Forming Intentional Disciples, said this: “We discovered, to our surprise and dismay, that many pastoral leaders do not even possess a conceptual category for discipleship.“ The Doane’s introduce what they are referring to as the seven pillars of Catholic discipleship. The second pillar is, “Study and Learn Sacred Scripture.“ Catholics cannot be fed the Word of God by listening to Scripture only at Mass. St. Jerome, the great monk and bible translator said, "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." Now more than ever, Catholic Christians must grow deep in the Word of God. This broadcast will help listeners esteem the Sacred Scriptures!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding Discipleship in the Catholic Parish-Part 2 - 6/12/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue with an exciting new series to the radio program. The call to discipleship is one that is fairly new to the Catholic milieu. Sherry Weddell, in her groundbreaking book, Forming Intentional Disciples , said this: “we discovered, to our surprise and dismay, that many pastoral leaders do not even possess a conceptual category for discipleship.“ The Doane’s introduce what they are referring to as the seven pillars of Catholic discipleship. The first pillar is, “Encounter Jesus.“ Saint Paul’s conversion offers us a model that  can be applied to each of our lives. When  we encounter Jesus, true conversion and discipleship begin to take place!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding Discipleship in the Catholic Parish-Part 1 - 6/2/23
Rebuilding Discipleship in the Catholic Parish-Part I - This week, Peter and Leslie introduced an exciting new series to the radio program. The call to discipleship is one that is fairly new to the Catholic milieu. Sherry Weddell, in her groundbreaking book, Forming Intentional Disciples , said this: “we discovered, to our surprise and dismay, that many pastoral leaders do not even possess a conceptual category for discipleship.“ In this new series, Peter and Leslie will strive to show how discipleship can and must become a foundation stone in the American Catholic church. This series will be a life changer!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-God’s Plan for Healing Loneliness-Part 3 - 5/26/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue to address the "front-page news" concerning the epidemic of loneliness in America. Loneliness produces mental and emotional problems and even physical problems of heart disease, strokes, dementia, and early death! In the early 1980s, Mother Teresa pointed out that every nation and every culture had its poorest of the poor. She said in America, this poverty was loneliness! How prophetic she was. Unfortunately, this poverty of loneliness affects not only those in the culture but also those in our Church. This week, we look at the Lord’s second antidote for loneliness and social isolation-rebuilding biblical friendships. It is incredible the number of saints who befriended other saints as friends. We will discover five of those and the amazing testimony of their friendships. In the Old Testament, we discover how David and Jonathan had a friendship that becomes a model for friendship in the New Testament! Learn how we can discover biblical friendships that can last forever!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-God’s Plan for Healing Loneliness-Part 2 - 5/19/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue to address the "front-page news" concerning the epidemic of loneliness in America. Loneliness produces mental and emotional problems and even physical problems of heart disease, strokes, dementia, and early death! In the early 1980s, Mother Teresa pointed out that every nation and every culture had its poorest of the poor. She said that in America, this poverty was loneliness! How prophetic she was. Unfortunately, this poverty of loneliness affects not only those in the culture but also those in our Church. This week we continue to look at the Lord’s antidote for loneliness and social isolation. Both in the Gospels with Jesus, and then in the Acts of the Apostles, we see that the early Christians met together, both in the temple and house to house. This broadcast will help the listeners see the importance of small groups, and the importance of having friends that we regularly meet with to share lives together. Bringing this dimension into each of our lives, becomes a life changer!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-God’s Plan for Healing Loneliness- 5/12/23
This week, Peter and Leslie address the "front-page news" concerning the epidemic of loneliness in America. Loneliness produces mental and emotional problems and even physical problems of heart disease, strokes, dementia, and early death! In the early 1980s, Mother Teresa pointed out that every nation and every culture had its poorest of the poor. She said that in  America, this poverty was loneliness! How prophetic she was. Unfortunately, this poverty of loneliness affects not only those in the culture but also those in our Catholic Church. But, Peter and Leslie share there is Good News-the Lord has an antidote to loneliness. In the Church, God has, since the beginning, built into His People a relational structure, small groups, where we can experience fellowship, friendship, community, brotherhood, and sisterhood! This broadcast will cause us to "step back" and look at this 2,000-year-old emphasis on relationships that the Holy Spirit is again bringing to our attention!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-The Catholic Family as the Domestic Church: Part XII)- 5/5/23
This week, Peter and Leslie come to the twelfth and final broadcast in their series on rebuilding the Catholic Family. In previous broadcasts, they discussed the writings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, which laid the foundations to rebuild the Catholic Family as the domestic church. In this week's broadcast, they share the tools for rebuilding the Catholic family as the domestic church given by the United States Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The Doanes believe this series of broadcasts can become literal "life changers" for the Catholic family. This week, as we look at the tools provided by the US Catholic Bishops, the Catholic Family will become encouraged that they too can become a part of this powerful movement to make their families nothing less than a church, a domestic church. 

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-The Catholic Family as the Domestic Church: 
Part I (Encore)- 4/28/23

This week Peter and Leslie launch a new series of broadcasts. For years, the Doanes have taught about the family's central role in God's purposes. After returning to the Church thirteen years ago, they began to develop a burden for Catholics to know the Catholic family's theological and spiritual underpinnings. This new series will explore how the family is genuinely a Domestic Church and is critical in extending the New Covenant worldwide. This series can become a "life-changer" and give Catholic families the tools to rebuild and renew the life of Jesus Christ in their homes. 

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-The Catholic Family as the Domestic Church: Part XI- 4/21/23
This week, Peter and Leslie come to the eleventh of twelve broadcasts in their series on rebuilding the Catholic Family. In previous broadcasts, we discussed the writings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, which laid the foundations to rebuild the Catholic Family as the domestic church. In this week's broadcast, we explore the mother's-critical role of the domestic church. Leslie does a wonderful job tying in the mother's role with our wonderful saint, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Through their successes and failures, the Doanes focus on the Sacred Scripture and the mother's unique role in the Christian family by examining Proverbs 31. To be a good, godly mother takes tremendous faith, courage, hard work, and humility. In our day and age, the call to be the kind of mother the Lord needs among His People has never been more critical. This broadcast will help the listening mothers find practical ways to fulfill their God-given calling. This broadcast will be an uplifting vision for our listeners!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-The Catholic Family as the Domestic Church: Part X- 4/14/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series on rebuilding the Catholic Family. In previous broadcasts, we discussed the writings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, which laid the foundations to rebuild the Catholic Family as the domestic church. In this week's broadcast, we explore the critical role of the father in the domestic church. Through their successes and failures, the Doanes focus on the Sacred Scripture and the father's unique role in the Christian family. To be a good, godly father takes a tremendous amount of faith, courage, hard work, and humility. In our day and age, the call to be the kind of father the Lord needs among His People has never been more critical. This broadcast will help the listening fathers find practical ways to fulfill their God-given calling. 

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-The Catholic Family as the Domestic Church: Part IX- 4/7/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series on rebuilding the Catholic Family. In previous broadcasts, we discussed the writings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, which laid the foundations to rebuild the Catholic Family as the domestic church. In this week's broadcast, we examine the relationship between husband and wife. There is a clear path for married couples to be prepared to build a domestic church in their homes. It starts with each spouse pursuing their relationship with Jesus Christ. Archbishop Charles Chaput, the retired Archbishop of Philadelphia, offered a roadmap for Catholic couples to draw closer to the Lord Jesus and therefore draw close to one another! The Doanes, this week, help married couples, either newly married or "veterans," find the secret to a lasting and blessed marriage founded in the Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord's purpose is to rebuild and renew our families!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-The Catholic Family as the Domestic Church: Part VIII- 3/31/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series on rebuilding the Catholic Family. In previous broadcasts, we have studied the writings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI which laid the foundations to rebuild the Catholic Family as the domestic church. In this week's broadcast, we will continue to focus on a "solutions-oriented" approach to the family, highlighting six more powerful strategies that can begin to "turn the tide," one family at a time. The Lord's purpose is to rebuild and renew our families! Just as God called out to Abraham to take his family and go, so too, He calls us to rebuild our families so that we can hear the call to "go forth, and follow Him."

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-The Catholic Family as the Domestic Church: Part VII- 3/24/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series on rebuilding the Family. In previous broadcasts, we have studied the writings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI which laid the foundations to rebuild the Catholic Family as the domestic church. In the last broadcast, the Doanes pointed out the latest statistics from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) that show staggering attrition that has taken place surrounding the American Catholic family from 1965 to 2022, In this week's broadcast, we begin to focus on a "solutions-oriented" approach to the family, highlighting five powerful strategies that can begin to "turn the tide," one family at a time. The Lord's purpose is to rebuild and renew our families!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-The Catholic Family as the Domestic Church: Part VI- 3/17/23
This week, Peter and Leslie continue their series on rebuilding and renewing the Catholic family. Over the past 50 years the Church has experienced decline in several areas that are connected with the family. The Doane’s discuss those statistics not as a condemnation but rather as a wake up call for all of us. Pope Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI laid the theological foundations for building the Catholic family as the domestic church. These statistics that express the present decline will motivate us to lay these foundations and create practical tools to help restore the family.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding the Family as the Domestic Church: Part V- 3/10/23
This week Peter and Leslie continue their series on the family. Pope St. John Paul II not only shared a powerful vision of what the Catholic Family was created to be but his successor, Benedict XVI did as well.  He taught us that the family was first and foremost called to be Christocentric-that is, to be built on the foundation of an encounter with Jesus Christ. At the 7th World Meeting of Families in Milan, in 2012, Pope Benedict shared the key elements that created the family as a domestic church. This series is both theological and practical and will stir the hearts and minds of parents to become all that the Lord has in mind for their family to become a domestic church! If you are just listening for the first time, be sure to listen to the previous podcasts on this important topic. It will be a life-changer!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding the Family as the Domestic Church: Part IV- 3/3/23
This week Peter and Leslie continue their new series on the family. Pope St. John Paul II shared a powerful vision of what the Catholic Family was created to be at the very beginning of time. He taught us that the family was indeed the Domestic Church with a mandate to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. Today, amid unprecedented confusion about what the family is to be and do, the Pope has prophetically prepared us to know both the theological and practical foundations for Catholic families precisely so that they can build a lasting legacy. The Doanes have taught about the family's central role in God's purposes for years. Today's broadcast explores how Pope St. John Paul II renews the ancient truth of the "church in miniature."  This series is both theological and practical and will stir the hearts and minds of parents to become all that the Lord has in mind for their family to become a domestic church!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding Family as the Domestic Church: Part III- 2/24/23
This week Peter and Leslie continue to lay the foundation for a new series of broadcasts. For years, the Doane's have taught about the family's central role in God's purposes. After returning to the Church thirteen years ago, they began to develop a burden for Catholics to know the Catholic family's theological and spiritual underpinnings. This new series will explore how the family is genuinely a Domestic Church. Today's broadcast explores how Pope St. John Paul II renews the ancient truth of the "church in miniature."  The post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation is known as Familiaris Consortio, the Fellowship of the Family. This is one of the most profound and in-depth examinations of the Christian family and the role of the Christian family in the modern world. Today, we learn valuable truths from the Pope that help us even more, to treasure the family as a domestic church!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH-Rebuilding the Family as the Domestic Church:  Part II- 2/17/23
This week Peter and Leslie continue to lay the foundation for a new series of broadcasts. For years, the Doane's have taught about the family's central role in God's purposes. After returning to the Church thirteen years ago, they began to develop a burden for Catholics to know the Catholic family's theological and spiritual underpinnings. This new series will explore how the family is genuinely a Domestic Church. In today's broadcast, we discover the critical place Vatican II played in restoring the truth of the family, as Pope St. John Paul referred to it as the "church in miniature."  The post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation is known as Familiaris Consortio. This is one of the most profound and in-depth examinations of the Christian family and the role of the Christian family in the modern world. This series will change how one views the Catholic Family and bring hope and transformation.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Rebuilding the Family as the Domestic Church:  Part I- 2/10/23
This week Peter and Leslie launch a new series of broadcasts. For years, the Doane's have taught about the family's central role in God's purposes. After returning to the Church thirteen years ago, they began to develop a burden for Catholics to know the Catholic family's theological and spiritual underpinnings. This new series will explore how the family is genuinely a Domestic Church and plays a critical role in extending the New Covenant worldwide. This series can become a "life-changer" and give Catholic families the tools to rebuild and renew the life of Jesus Christ in their homes!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part XVII- 2/3/23
The Seventh Church of Revelation: Laodicea
Peter and Leslie complete their discussion of the seventh and final Church in the Apocalypse, the Church at Laodicea. We see this church received the most severe rebuke and warning from Jesus Christ. But also, they receive abundant hope if they repent! Jesus said that He stands at the door and knocked. This becomes the way out of their severe condition of syncretism and  He offers them communion and fellowship if they will open the doors of their hearts and lives. So too, we as 21st Century Catholic Christians, must follow the example of these first-century Catholics! If we take specific steps to come out of being lukewarm, and let Jesus come into "our world", we will experience His forgiveness, blessing, and affirmation of our Lord!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part XVI- 1/27/23
The Seventh Church of Revelation: Laodicea
Peter and Leslie continue their discussion of the seventh and final Church in the Apocalypse, the Church at Laodicea. We see this church received the most serious rebuke and warning from Jesus Christ. Many present-day thought leaders believe this church prophetically pictures the Church here in the United States, today. And yet, if they repent, they receive the greatest rewards! Jesus began by calling them out for being in total unreality concerning their spiritual condition The Lord uses the geographical setting of the city, their economic forces, and the culture present there, to address their fallen condition. Can we imagine what the leadership of this Catholic congregation imagined when they read this letter? This second of a  three-part series on the church at Laodicea will cause conviction, repentance, and hope to fill all those who heed what the Spirit is saying to the churches! Next week we will explore the wonderful promises given to this Church if they repent!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part XV- 1/20/23
The Seventh Church of Revelation: Laodicea
Peter and Leslie introduce the seventh and final Church in the Apocalypse, the Church at Laodicea. Jesus revealed Himself as the Amen, the faithful and true witness, and the Origin of God's creation. We see this church received the most serious rebuke and warning from Jesus Christ. And yet, if they repent, they received the greatest rewards! Of all the seven churches, the Doane's believe this church most represents the state of the American Catholic Church today. Jesus began by calling them out for being in total unreality concerning their spiritual condition. They thought they were rich, prosperous, and in need of nothing. Little did they know how the Lord, with perfect knowledge and insight, thought of them. This final, three-part series on the church at Laodicea, will cause conviction, repentance, and hope to fill all those who heed what the Spirit is saying to the churches!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part XIV- 1/13/23
The Seven Churches of Revelation Part XIV - The Sixth Church of Revelation: Philadelphia
Peter and Leslie complete their discussion of the sixth Church in the Apocalypse, the Church at Philadelphia. Jesus reveals Himself as the one Who has the Key of David and opens and shuts doors according to His Will. They have been given just a little power yet they have been faithful to steward the gifts and graces the Lord entrusted to them. This week, the Doane's discuss how this church did not deny the Name of Jesus. The Name of Jesus opens up doors of power, forgiveness, encounter, and deliverance! The Church honors the Name of Jesus every January. The symbol for the name of Jesus, IHS, has been a symbol that calls each of us, for centuries, to honor the Lord's Name. Remember, Christ is His title, but Jesus is His Name!  

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part XIII- 1/6/23
The Sixth Church of Revelation: Philadelphia
Peter and Leslie discuss the sixth Church in the Apocalypse, the Church at Philadelphia. Jesus reveals Himself as the one Who has the Key of David and opens and shuts doors according to His Will. This Church receives a commendation from the Lord. They have been given just a little power yet they have been faithful to steward the gifts and graces the Lord entrusted to them. This week, the Doane's discuss how this church is a model for us. If we are faithful in the small things that Jesus entrusts to us, He will open doors of opportunity to be His instruments.! He has already created works for us to walk in. If we do our part, He will do His!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part XII- 12/23/22
The Fifth Church of Revelation: Sardis
Peter and Leslie continue to discuss the fifth Church in the Apocalypse, the Church at Sardis. Jesus reveals Himself as the one Who has the seven spirits of God! He is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. This Church receives a stern warning from the Lord. They have a reputation for being alive in Jesus Christ, but they are spiritually dead. They have replaced the apostolic faith with a form of godliness that denies its power. Two times, Jesus tells the believers to "wake up," This week, the Doane's focus on "solutions-based" answers to the Church at Sardis! Jesus called the church to "wake up," and what does that mean? Waking up, spiritually, involves three key components that we receive from the Apostolic Faith: Personal devotions, receiving the Sacraments of Confession and Eucharist, and engaging in the re-evangelization of the faithful!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part XI- 12/16/22
The Fifth Church of Revelation: Sardis
Peter and Leslie introduce the fifth Church in the Apocolypse, the Church at Sardis. Jesus reveals Himself as the one Who has the seven spirits of God! He is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit. This Church receives a stern warning from the Lord. They have a reputation for being alive in Jesus Christ, but they are spiritually dead. They have replaced the apostolic faith with a form of godliness that denies its power. Through sacred scripture and personal witness, the Doane's relate to times we all practice our faith, as Catholic believers, in name only, just like the believers in Sardis. Also, Leslie shares the faithfulness of Jesus Christ Who preserved her in the midst of a severe accident. Sometimes the Lord speaks clearly when we are in the midst of difficulty. 

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part X- 12/9/22
How the Church was Infiltrated by the Occult
Peter and Leslie again discuss the Church of Thyatira this week in Revelation chapter two. Jesus gave the church strong commendations for the five aspects of their spiritual life. But then, Jesus gave them a strong correction that is most serious: they tolerated the prophetess Jezebel and her teachings. The teachings of this false prophetess were bringing some to practice idolatry and sexual immorality. Jesus told the church that the "deep things of Satan" were a part of the tolerance within this congregation. Today, again, the occult, like the Trojan horse, has found its way into Catholic families and parishes. We must identify Satan's "most dangerous game" and root out Satan's strategies to oppress the People of God!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part IX- 12/02/22
Peter and Leslie discuss the Church of Thyatira this week in Revelation chapter two. Jesus gives the church strong commendations for the five aspects of their spiritual life. But then, Jesus gives them a strong correction that is most serious: they tolerate the prophetess Jezebel and her teachings. The teachings of this false prophetess are bringing some to practice idolatry and sexual immorality. The Jezebel influence can still affect our churches, today, as it expresses itself through the dictatorship of relativism. Pope Benedict XVI, in the homily before the conclave that elected him, told us how to recognize this false teaching and defeat it!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part VIII- 11/25/22
This week, Peter discusses the Church of Pergamum in Revelation chapter two. There were three groups Jesus addressed in this church. Last week, the two groups we looked at were displeasing to Jesus. They have given themselves to sexual sins and practiced idolatry. So also, today Catholic Christians have a huge battle that must be waged and won: the battle against pornography. Pornography is a spiritual plague affecting, clergy, consecrated religious, and laypeople alike. This multi-billion dollar satanic business must be identified as a clear and present danger to individuals, families, and parishes. Last week, Peter shared the problem pornography plays in the culture. This week, we focus on being solutions-oriented. How do we get free from porn addiction? Peter gives a step-by-step plan for deliverance and freedom. This battle is one every Catholic Christian must engage in! For more information about overcoming addiction to Pornography click here.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part VII- 11/18/22
This week, Peter discusses the Church of Pergamum in Revelation chapter two. There were three groups Jesus addressed in this church. Last week, we saw one of the groups in this local parish was faithful to the Lord. The two groups we look at this week are displeasing to Jesus. They have given in to sexual sins and are practicing idolatry. So also, today Catholic Christians have a huge battle that must be waged and won: the battle against pornography. Pornography is a spiritual plague affecting, clergy, consecrated religious, and laypeople alike. This multi-billion dollar satanic business must be identified as a clear and present danger to individuals, families, and parishes. Just as the church in Pergamum had to turn away from sexual sins, so too, countless Catholics caught up in this grave sin must seek forgiveness, deliverance, and healing from the Lord and His mighty power to save.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part VI- 11/11/22
Peter introduces the third Church in the series this week, the Church at Pergamum. Jesus comes to this church, announcing He is the One Who had the two-edged sword! This parish at first is commended because there is a group within the church that remains faithful to Jesus amidst being surrounded by extreme idolatry within the city. The throne of Satan, as well as the emperor's worship, contends against the people of God. There is also a faithful bishop, Antipas, who gives his life up to martyrdom rather than compromise the Faith. Just as those saints of old had to reject the temptation of idolatry, so too, must we in this 21st-century western culture, be aware of the idols that surround us, and reject them. Jesus was very aware of the lifestyle of His people at the church at Pergamum and He evaluated it. So, too, He does with us and our parish!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Churches of Revelation Part V- 11/4/22
This week, Peter discusses the second church in the book of Revelation, the church in Smyrna. This is the only one of two churches that Jesus only commends and does not call to repentance. In this church, the Christians are being persecuted and some are thrown in prison. This broadcast helps us, as believers, to know that severe persecution is taking place throughout the world among our brothers and sisters. We cannot remain passive. Rather, we have a biblical responsibility to remember the suffering throughout the world of our brethren in the faith. How do we do that? Pray, pray, pray! The book of Hebrews chapter 3 verse 3 reminds us: “remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.“

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Book of Revelation Calls Us to Rebuild, Part II- 10/28/22
This week Peter and Leslie continue to introduce a new series, "The Book of Revelation Opens the Door for Rebuilding," Part II. This portion of Sacred Scripture is given to us, the Church, in order that we may learn what Jesus desires to take place in the local parish. Jesus tells John to address seven local churches. These seven churches exist at the time of the writing, yet also, according to most scholars, are representative of every church in every age! During this broadcast, the Doanes help our listening audience to have a working knowledge of the book as well as an understanding of why this scripture is so important to our Catholic journey. Reading this apocalyptic book will become a life changer and help us out of a secular mentality into a Christian spiritual mentality!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Book of Revelation Calls Us to Rebuild- 10/21/22
This week Peter and Leslie bring to the broadcast a new series, "The Book of Revelation Opens the Door for Rebuilding." This portion of Sacred Scripture is given to us, the Church, in order that we may learn what Jesus desires to take place in the local parish. Jesus tells John to address seven local churches. These seven churches exist at the time of the writing, yet also, according to most scholars, are representative of every church in every age! During this broadcast, the Doanes help our listening audience to have a working knowledge of the book as well as an understanding of why this scripture is so important to our Catholic journey. Reading this apocalyptic book will become a life changer and help us out of a secular mentality into a Christian spiritual mentality!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - An Interview with Fr. John Riccardo on ACTS XXIX- 10/14/22
This week Peter interviews Fr. John Riccardo, the founder of the apostolate ACTS XXIX, and the recent outreach called The Rescue Project. Father Riccardo shares his passion for seeing the Church renewed and how The Rescue Project will facilitate this renewal.  Fr. Riccardo takes time to share the "bad news". Satan and his minions have had a plan since time began to destroy our lives and make God's People ineffective. Jesus came and destroyed the works of Satan and opened for us entrance into the Kingdom of the Lord, Christ Jesus! This interview will inspire you and give you hope!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Book of Revelation Calls Us to Rebuild Part IV- 10/7/22
This week, Peter and Leslie discuss the church at Ephesus and Jesus’s call for this parish to repent. They had left their “First Love” and because they did their lamp stand or light was about to be removed. If the first love is lost, we must return to that place of our initial love for Jesus Christ that we saw pictured in the first church built after Pentecost in Jerusalem. We can also see this love spoken of by Saint Paul in First Corinthians 13. If we use that portion of scripture as a mirror it will help us like a compass does as it points us in the right direction. Finally , we see our Lord Jesus call Saint Peter back to the first love in John 21 in his post resurrection appearance. Through the honesty of Saint Peter, saying that in his own person he is incapable of walking in this first love, the agape. We learned that it’s only through the transformation that comes from following Jesus that any of us are capable of walking in this love.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Book of Revelation Calls Us to Rebuild Part III- 9/30/22
This week Peter and Leslie begin to describe the seven churches of Revelation. The Church of Ephesus is a significant church among the churches of Asia- a "Mother Church." When Jesus speaks to them He commends them for their endurance, their hatred of evil, their labor, and their doctrinal purity. But, they have a serious flaw-they have left their "first love." The Doanes share from their personal journeys what the first love is and how we too can identify those characteristics that express this love that the Lord shows is so critical to pleasing Him!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul and the Power of His Conversion Story, 9/23/22
This week Peter and Leslie explore Saint Paul and his conversion. The Lord dramatically saved this Apostle to the Gentiles. His story was used by God to dramatically teach Catholic Christians both the importance of our own conversion and the need for ongoing conversion in each of our lives. Both Jesus and the Catholic Catechism teach us that conversion is our first step to entering the kingdom of God. An emphasis on conversion will change individual, family, and parish life

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Book of Revelation Calls Us to Rebuild, Part II, 9/16/22
This week Peter and Leslie continue to introduce a new series, "The Book of Revelation Opens the Door for Rebuilding," Part II. This portion of Sacred Scripture is given to us, the Church, in order that we may learn what Jesus desires to take place in the local parish. Jesus tells John to address seven local churches. These seven churches exist at the time of the writing, yet also, according to most scholars, are representative of every church in every age! During this broadcast, the Doanes help our listening audience to have a working knowledge of the book as well as an understanding of why this scripture is so important to our Catholic journey. Reading this apocalyptic book will become a life changer and help us out of a secular mentality into a Christian spiritual mentality!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Book of Revelation Calls Us to Rebuild, 9/9/22
This week Peter and Leslie bring to the broadcast a new series, "The Book of Revelation Opens the Door for Rebuilding." This portion of Sacred Scripture is given to us, the Church, in order that we may learn what Jesus desires to take place in the local parish. Jesus tells John to address seven local churches. These seven churches exist at the time of the writing, yet also, according to most scholars, are representative of every church in every age! During this broadcast, the Doanes help our listening audience to have a working knowledge of the book as well as an understanding of why this scripture is so important to our Catholic journey. Reading this apocalyptic book will become a life changer and help us out of a secular mentality into a Christian spiritual mentality!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul at the End of the Acts of the Apostles, 9/2/22
This week, Peter and Leslie conclude their series, "The Call to Return to Biblical Christianity." At the conclusion of the Acts of the Apostles, Acts chapter 28. St. Luke described St. Paul during his two-year imprisonment in Rome. He was staying in rented quarters, chained to a Roman soldier, yet receiving all who came to him, proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching all about the Lord Jesus Christ. Scholars point out that St, Luke does not end his writing with a conclusion but rather is open-ended, implicitly telling us this activity must go on in the Church, until the end of time! As we seek to rebuild and renew the Catholic Church here in America, we cannot improve what the Apostle models for us, but rather seek to replicate the message and boldness of St. Paul in the twenty-first century!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul Spends Two Years in Prison, 8/28/22
This week Peter and Leslie discuss Paul’s confinement in a Roman prison. Behind the scenes, he wrote four powerful epistles during this time. In this last chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, even though Saint Paul is in chains, the Lord used him in powerful ways to lay the foundation of our Catholic church. If we are to join Paul and affirm the building of the church, we too are called to participate and affirm those principles that he established through these prison epistles.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul Shipwrecked in Malta and Why That Matters, 8/21/22
This week Peter and Leslie begin to share the final chapter in the Acts of the Apostles. St. Paul and his companions shipwreck on the Isle of Malta. Here, as we see the Apostle move in the Holy Spirit with signs, wonders, and healings, we note that St. Luke implicitly states the major themes throughout the Acts: the power of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles preach the Kerygma, and the Church is established to carry on the mission. These three themes were not only demonstrated to those on Malta, but are imparted to us, as we seek to be the People of God on mission. The Holy Spirit, the chief protagonist among these early believers, calls us to rebuild and renew these three themes, today, in our lives, our families, and our parishes!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - What We Learned From St. Paul as He Faced Disaster, 8/12/22
St. Paul appealed to Caesar and was a prisoner sent to Rome. In the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 27, the ship carrying Paul and his companions faced a horrendous storm. Eventually, the vessel is broken up, but all 276 passengers survive on the Island of Malta. In the midst of the storm at sea, St. Paul exhibits seven powerful traits that helped him in the midst of this harrowing event. We too, face the storms of life. If we are to both survive our personal "storms" and help those around us as St. Paul did, we must adopt those same traits, St. Paul modeled for us!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul Inspires Us to Discover Our Conversion Story, 8/5/22
In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul's conversion story becomes one of the sub-themes in the book. The Church teaches us his conversion is indeed important enough to warrant a feast day, January 25th. This week Peter and Leslie present a practical tool so that every Catholic disciple can both learn their conversion story and then, like St. Paul, share that story and open up doors for the Gospel. As we seek to rebuild and renew our Catholic faith, here, in America, equipping the faithful to share their conversion story will produce eternal fruit. Discover Your Story Tool

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul and the Power of his Conversion Story, 7/29/22
This week Peter and Leslie explore Saint Paul and his conversion. The Lord dramatically saved this Apostle to the Gentiles. His story was used by God to dramatically teach Catholic Christians both the importance of our own conversion and the need for ongoing conversion in each of our lives. Both Jesus and the Catholic Catechism teach us that conversion is our first step to enter the kingdom of God. An emphasis on conversion will change individual, family, and parish life!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul Meets with the Ephesian Elders, 7/15/22
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the powerful gathering in Miletus between Paul and the elders of the church at Ephesus. St. Paul poured his heart out to these leaders and as he did, we are able to see the standard God gives to the Catholic priesthood. Paul offered himself as a model of godly leadership and gave five key aspects of his example. He also gave three exhortations to the Elders. Through St. Paul's virtuous leadership and his powerful exhortations, we can therefore develop eight specific prayers for our priests based on this encounter. Finally, Peter introduces the prayer St. Faustina prayed for priests. Amazingly, this prayer contains many of the aspects of St. Paul's address to the Ephesian Elders!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Why Signs and Wonders are Important, 7/8/22
This week, Peter and Leslie follow St. Paul on his third missionary journey. He plants a church in Ephesus and a great number come to the Lord and the Church. The Holy Spirit releases great power through signs and wonders. Even the aprons and handkerchiefs of St. Paul cause the sick to be healed and demons to be cast out. Signs and wonders have been demonstrated throughout the history of the Church in order to confirm the proclamation of the Gospel and also to express the Lord's mercy and love toward His People. Today, the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit is available to Catholic believers who call on His Name! This program will help begin a search for these graces to operate in our individual, family, and parish lives.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - An Interview with FOCUS Missionary, Seth Monholand, DePaul University, 7/1/22
This week, Peter interviews Seth Monholand, the team Director of the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, at DePaul University. Seth helps us look into the heart and strategies of this great lay apostolate that ministers on two hundred-plus college campuses. What is the foundation of their success? They have a commitment within their teams to pray and attend Mass on a daily basis. We can see that FOCUS is setting the bar high not only for themselves but for all Catholics who seek to evangelize and catechize in the harvest fields of the Lord!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Kind and His Kingdom (Part 1), 6/24/22
This week Peter and Leslie follow St. Paul and Silas as they preach the Gospel in Thessalonica. The city's mob creates an uproar and declares that the men who have "turned the world upside down, have come here also." They accuse the apostolic team of claiming "there is another king, Jesus!" In order to rebuild and renew the Church here in the West, the Gospel of the Kingdom and the declaration of Jesus as King must be rebuilt in our message and mentality. The Doane's help us this week to understand what the Kingdom of God is and lay a foundation for this message to reignite the Church!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Catechesis and Lifelong Learning , 6/17/22
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the need for all of us to become lifelong learners. St. Paul spent considerable time both in Corinth and Ephesus teaching the new believers. In order to experience ongoing conversion, we must become intentional about continual catechesis. Learning about the Faith never ends. The next generation is dependent on us to pass the torch!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Called to be Courageous, 6/10/22
This week St. Paul completes the second missionary journey in the Acts of the Apostles and begins the third. We learn that the new believers in Corinth and the new believers in Ephesus had the privilege of St. Paul teaching them for one and a half years and two years, respectively. Conversion must lead to catechesis and catechesis leads to ongoing conversion. Without both these dynamics working in the life of believers and parishes, renewal will not take place.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Called to be Courageous, 6/3/22
This week, Peter and Leslie follow St. Paul into the city of Corinth. There, Paul is visited by the Lord in a night vision. Jesus encourages him to "not be afraid," the powerful challenge we continue to hear throughout the Sacred Scriptures. In today's culture, we hear the call to be courageous and "not be afraid." As we rebuild our Catholic culture in personal life, family life, and parish life, the gift of the Holy Spirit ministers courage to those who open their hearts to the Lord, just as St. Paul did in Corinth!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul in Athens-Idolatry and How We Recognize It, 5/27/22
This week, Peter and Leslie follow St. Paul as he arrives in Athens and confronts the idolatry he sees. As Catholics, we are surrounded by a culture that offers a version of idolatry here in the 21st century. The Lord leads us away from idols and into a deep relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as we guard our hearts.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Gospel of the Kingdom-Part 2, 5/20/22
This week, Leslie and Peter discuss the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. When St. Paul and Silas declare that there is another King, Jesus, in Acts 17, they cause a riot in Thessalonica. What is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and why is it so important to understand? When Jesus first appears in the scene in Mark, chapter one, He tells us the way into this Gospel of the Kingdom. He calls us into a threefold response just as He did to the Apostles-Repent, Believe, and Follow! In seeking the Kingdom of God, we discover a Kingdom Mentality that brings transformation into our personal lives, our families, and our parishes!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The King and His Kingdom-Part 1, 5/13/22
This week Peter and Leslie follow St. Paul and Silas as they preach the Gospel in Thessalonica. The city's mob creates an uproar and declares that the men who have "turned the world upside down, have come here also." They accuse the apostolic team of claiming "there is another king, Jesus!" In order to rebuild and renew the Church here in the West, the Gospel of the Kingdom and the declaration of Jesus as King must be rebuilt in our message and mentality. The Doane's help us this week to understand what the Kingdom of God is and lay a foundation for this message to reignite the Church!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - How We Rebuild the Act of Worship, 5/7/22
This week Peter and Leslie talk about the difference between praise and worship. Jesus said to the Samaritan woman: " true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth." Catholic worship is most perfectly experienced in the Sacrifice of the Mass. Rebuilding Catholic Worship is directly tied to the call for Catholics to return to Mass. If we are without the Mass, Catholics are without true worship!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Call to Praise God, 4/29/22
This week Peter and Leslie guide us on St. Paul's second missionary journey. As they minister in Philippi, St. Paul and Silas are thrown in jail after casting out the spirit of divination of the woman following after them. At midnight, they began to sing praises to God and an earthquake opened the prison doors! The jailor and his whole household are saved and baptized. The call to become a person of praise is foundational for rebuilding and renewing our faith. The Doanes share how we too can become a people of praise. 

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - An Interview with Natalia Draghicchio, Team Leader of FOCUS at IUPUI, 4/22/22
This week Peter interviews Natalia Draghicchio who leads the team for Catholic University Students on Campus at IUPUI, Indianapolis. Natalia shares how the FOCUS missionaries prepare themselves to engage the students on campus as well as the key to evangelizing-build relationships! FOCUS is certainly a lay apostolate that is on mission!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Divine Guidance-How the Holy Spirit Guides Us, 4/8/22
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the second missionary journey of St. Paul. He and his new disciple, Timothy, along with Silas, venture out but have a surprise from the Lord! He does not allow them to go where they had determined was God's guidance. The Holy Spirit refuses to let them proceed with their initial plan. So too, with us, the Lord sometimes guides us in a different direction than we had planned. In the Acts of the Apostles, we discover seven ways the Holy Spirit gives us divine guidance!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Cost of Going From Maintenance to Mission, 4/1/22
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the intense dispute between St. Paul and Barnabas concerning John Mark. John Mark had abandoned the team on the first missionary journey, and Paul did not want him to join them as they ventured out again. Barnabas resisted and a sharp disagreement took place. When we make going out on mission a priority, we face new challenges in our personal lives, families, and parishes.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul Exhorts the New Believers, 3/25/22
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the conclusion of St. Paul's first missionary journey. Before he and Barnabas returned home to Antioch, Syria, they visited the new believers in the new churches they planted. They exhorted them to continue in the Faith. What does this mean for us today? How can we be sure our faith is growing and remaining steadfast. The Book of Acts continues to show us the way to "rebuild and renew" our personal lives and parishes.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Satan’s Most Dangerous Game (Part 2), 3/18/22
In the second part of a two-part series, Peter and Leslie discuss the encounters both St. Peter and St. Paul experienced in the Acts of the Apostles with practitioners of sorcery and the occult. Although these encounters took place 2,000 years ago, Satan still today tries to trap Catholics into engaging in the occult. This many times manifests through games, entertainment, eastern meditation, and media. This broadcast will help you recognize these schemes of Satan and give steps to be set free.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Satan’s Most Dangerous Game, 3/11/22
In this week's broadcast, Peter and Leslie follow St. Paul on his first missionary journey. Immediately, he and Barnabas encounter the magician, Elymas. St. Paul confronts him and his magic arts, which are hindering the spread of the Gospel. We too must be on our guard against the occult, in all its forms. Many times occult oppression comes in the form of games like the Ouija board, astrology, and yoga.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - St. Paul’s Strategy to Reach Others with the Gospel, 3/4/22
This week Peter and Leslie discuss how, practically, a local parish moves from "maintenance to mission." Barnabas and Paul had a clear strategy as they traveled on their first missionary journey. They were not random or "hit and miss" in their plans. So too, the Church has given us a strategy for the new evangelization, directing us with a plan that leads us in our evangelistic mission. Click here to see four ways to reach out to a non-practicing Catholic.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - An Interview with Mark Wilcox - Alpha Helps Us
Go On Mission-Part 2,

This week, Peter and Leslie interview Mark Wilcox in part two of presenting the Alpha in a Catholic Context course. Alpha is having a worldwide impact by helping Catholic parishes move from maintenance to mission. Mark shares some personal experiences of seeing lives transformed through encountering Jesus and experiencing renewal while attending the Alpha course.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Interview with Mark Wilcox-Alpha Helps on Mission, 2/11/22
In today's broadcast, Peter and Leslie continue with the discussion helping parishes move from maintenance to mission. Mark Wilcox, a layman serving in the Alpha in a Catholic Context movement, shares how Alpha helps evangelize those outside the parish and re-evangelize those inside the parish. The "power of invitation" becomes a key component of reaching out to others.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Moving the Parish from Maintenance to Mission, 2/04/22
In today's broadcast, Peter and Leslie continue their series, " The Call to Return to Biblical Christianity." In Acts 13, Barnabas and Saul are sent out from the Antioch Church as a new era breaks forth in the Church. Antioch becomes a model for Catholic parishes to be "mission-focused." In the call to "Rebuild, " we look at eight places in the local parish to change from maintenance to mission. Click here to see the eight areas of the parish that need transformation.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Rebuilding Our Catechesis, 1/28/22
This week Peter and Leslie highlight the beginnings of the great church in the Acts of the Apostles, the church at Antioch. Here Barnabas, along with Saul of Tarsus, settle in Antioch and teach great numbers of people for one year. We see that catechesis was critical for the building of this parish. For our parishes to become strong in the Faith, like Antioch, we must rebuild by bringing the family into the center of our approach to catechesis. Click here to see a summary of the important stages within family Catechesis.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - How Private Prayer Changed Church History, 1/26/22
This week Peter and Leslie explore Acts chapter 10. Here, Cornelius and his household come into the Church to the surprise of the Jewish believers. Both Cornelius, and the messenger, St. Peter, were practicing private prayer. This served as the "launching point" for this historical event-the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Gentiles. We too can experience life-changing events through the practice of private and communal prayer.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The conversion of St. Paul, 1/14/22
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the conversion of St. Paul. His conversion demonstrates what true transformation in the life of a Catholic Christian consists of. In our series, " A Return to Biblical Christianity," the journey of Saul of Tarsus who became St. Paul the great theologian and martyr, serves as a model for us as we discover what biblical conversion consists of.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Act of the Apostles-Our Blueprint, 1/07/22
This week Peter and Leslie continue their series, " A Return to Biblical Christianity," discussing how the Acts of the Apostles give us the blueprint. After the martyrdom of St. Stephen, a great persecution broke out with Saul of Tarsus in the forefront. The new believers, the laity, left Jerusalem, and were scattered, Instead of going into hiding, the laity went about preaching the word and evangelizing. This calls us to do the same!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Persecuted Church, 12/31/21
This week Peter and Leslie discuss how the martyrdom of St. Stephen brought on vast persecution in the Church. Saul of Tarsus was said to "ravage the Church." Throughout the New Testament, starting with Jesus, we are told that all true followers of the Lord will suffer persecution. Peter and Leslie share how we as Catholic Christians can prepare for these realities.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Story of St. Stephen, 12/17/21
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the amazing account of St. Stephen in the Acts of the Apostles. Stephen became an example of a true disciple and demonstrated the characteristics that make up a follower of Jesus. We can learn much from this saint as we discover how the Holy Spirit through St. Luke devotes two entire chapters to him.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Ministry of Angels, 12/10/21
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the angelic activity that takes place throughout Sacred Scripture. Our guardian angels are there with us and are important to our life in the Kingdom. This broadcast will inspire the listener to become more aware of angelic realities!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Fear of the Lord, 12/03/21
This week Peter and Leslie take us into the Acts of the Apostles to discover how the fear of the Lord rested upon the early believers. The Fear of the Lord is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit we receive at Confirmation. This gift must be cultivated if we are to experience its benefits. The fear of the Lord will direct us on the Lord's pathway and allow us to keep a clear conscience in our daily life.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Peter and Leslie’s Conversion/Reversion Stories, 11/29/21
This week, Gordon Smith, Station Manager, interviews Peter and Leslie as they share the journey that brought them back to the Catholic Faith. Throughout the broadcast, they share how the Lord worked continuously behind the scenes of their lives, and how the ancient faith was revived in their hearts and minds. They now are making up for "lost time" and serving Jesus Christ and His Church through a lay apostolate.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Call to Boldness, 11/19/21
This week Peter and Leslie continue the journey in the Acts of the Apostles. St. Peter and St. John are commanded by the Jewish Council to stop preaching in the Name of Jesus. When they return to their friends, they all cry out to the Lord for boldness. Their place of prayer was shaken by the Holy Spirit, they were refilled by the Holy Spirit. and they went out and spoke the word with boldness. The Lord calls each of us to follow their pattern and receive boldness in the Holy Spirit!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Power in the Name of Jesus, 11/12/21
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the powerful miracle performed through St. Peter in Acts chapter three. When we incorporate the name of Jesus in praying for others, resisting temptation, rebuking Satan, and praying for blessings, we see amazing results!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Spiritual Brick and Mortar, 11/05/21
This week Peter and Leslie discuss how the first two chapters in the Acts of the Apostles are the framework for rebuilding the Church. The Popes have called for a New Pentecost and a New Evangelization. Here, in Acts, the Holy Spirit shows us the keys to making this a reality! Click the link for the Litany of the Holy Spirit, http://catholictradition.org/Litanies/litanies1d.htm

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Explosive Evangelization in the Acts of the Apostles, 10/29/21
In this week's broadcast, Peter and Leslie discuss how the Lord added new believers to the Church, day by day. Is this even possible, today? The answer is YES if we can capture the fervor of Pentecost combined with the compassion of Jesus for lost, hurting people. Listen and learn how we as American Catholics can turn the tide and reach the lost!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Table Fellowship, 10/22/21
This week Peter and Leslie continue to explore the characteristics of the new society of believers after Pentecost. Table Fellowship, first brought to life by Jesus in the Gospels, begins to characterize these first Christians. When we eat together in the Lord, Kingdom hospitality and fellowship take place.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Generosity Comes from Detachment, 10/15/21
This week the Doane's continue to unpack the four characteristics of the new church in Jerusalem, following Pentecost. These early believers were radical and other-centered. The vision of detachment taught by the Apostles caused them to become generous toward the needs of others.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - A New Society Forms, 10/8/21
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the first of four characteristics of the new church in Jerusalem founded by the Apostles following Pentecost. Signs and wonders were done through the Apostles. Amazingly, signs and wonders have continued throughout the history of the Catholic Church, up to our present-day!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - An Interview with Ann Corcoran, 10/1/21
In this week's broadcast, Peter interviews Ann Corcoran, from St. Monica's Catholic Church Indianapolis. Anne is a pioneer in bringing Small Church Communities to the structure of the local parish. For years she led this small group movement within her parish working on staff with the parish leadership bringing renewal to individuals, families, and the parish. Anne challenges us to again discover the structure that helped the early Christians be a powerful witness of Jesus Christ.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - One Another, 9/24/21
Today, Peter and Leslie introduce the importance of having a Small Group structure in the local parish. In the Acts of the Apostles, the new believers met both in the Temple but also, house to house. Jesus began his public ministry using Simon's house as a base. Meeting in homes has a long tradition in our Catholic

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - New Wine…New Wine Skins, 9/17/21
Today, Peter and Leslie discuss the importance of restoring the four key spiritual disciplines seen in the Acts of the Apostles to the local parish. Jesus called us to put New Wine into New Wineskins. In order for the parish to be rebuilt, we need not improve upon what the Apostles implemented but rather seek to model the Apostles' work in our present culture and setting.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - A New Christian Lifestyle, 9/3/21
This week Peter and Leslie continue their series, "A Return to Biblical Christianity." After Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit, the new believers joined themselves together under the leadership of the Apostles. They immediately devoted themselves to a new lifestyle. This lifestyle prepared them to change the world!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - God Guides Our Choices, 8/27/21
In this week's broadcast, Peter and Leslie discuss the important topic of how God guides us. With all the choices we face on a daily basis, knowing what the Lord wants for us can be a challenge. When we look to Scripture, we learn that God desires to guide us each and every day.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Call to Return to Biblical Christianity, 8/20/21
In this week's broadcast, Peter and Leslie continue with their new series based on the Acts of the Apostles. We will discuss the importance of the Holy Spirit as the conductor of all our efforts. Peter and Leslie share a powerful experience of what can happen if we move forward in the Holy Spirit to share our faith.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Biblical Roadmap to Evangelization, 8/13/21
This week Peter and Leslie begin a new series. In hearing the call to "Go, Rebuild My Church" we must rediscover biblical Christianity as foundational to all our efforts. The Lord has given a "roadmap" in the New Testament with the Acts of the Apostles. Join us as we explore this exciting pathway!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The St. Paul Evangelization Apostalate, 8/6/21
In this week's program, we have a special guest, Adam Janke. Adam is a key leader in the St Paul Street Evangelization Apostolate. St. Paul Street Evangelization is one of the key organizations for Catholic Evangelization in the United States. Adam helps us make evangelization a part of our Catholic experience!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Go and Share Your Faith with Others, 7/30/21
This week Peter and Leslie discuss the seventh and final pillar of Catholic Discipleship, "Go and share your faith with others." The Lord has given us great gifts, beginning with the Pascal Mystery that brought us salvation. We become debtors like St. Paul and are called to go forth and bear fruit for His Kingdom.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Spiritual Warfare, 7/23/21
This week Peter and Leslie continue their series on the Great Commission. In becoming a Catholic disciple, it is critical we become intentional to engage in spiritual warfare. Our sixth pillar of Catholic Discipleship will help all of us begin to see the victory we have obtained through the Pascal Mystery over Satan and his devices.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Encounter School of Ministry for Indianapolis, 7/16/21
This week, we have as our special guest, Tom Ponchak. Tom is the campus director for the Encounter School of Ministry for Indianapolis. Encounter Ministries is a lay apostolate that equips Catholics to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. As Tom shares about the ministry and the school, we will learn how this movement renews Catholic individuals and parishes and produces Catholic disciples.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Discover, Develop and Deploy Your Spiritual Gifts, 7/9/21
Today, Peter and Leslie discuss the fifth Pillar of Catholic Discipleship- Discover, Develop and Deploy Your Spiritual Gifts. In this presentation, we learn that each of us has a unique placement in God's economy. As the Lord places us where He wills, He equips us with special gifts to spread His Kingdom.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Reconciliation and the Eucharist, 7/2/21
This week Peter and Leslie continue to unpack the Great Commission and focus on the Seven Pillars of Catholic Discipleship. The fourth pillar is to receive the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist, regularly. When we understand the place of the Sacraments in God's economy we will seek to both prepare for Eucharist in the Sacrament of Penance, and then receive the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of our Catholic Faith.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Developing a Consistent Life of Prayer, 6/25/21
This week, Peter and Leslie continue to lead us through the Seven Pillars of Catholic Discipleship. The third pillar is To Develop a Consistent Life of Prayer. Jesus is our model and Pope Francis testifies to this in his final General Audience on prayer.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Mission of St. Francis of Assisi, 6/18/21
This week Peter and Leslie delve into the life and mission of St. Francis of Assisi and how that contributes to the ongoing mission of evangelization. 

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Seven Pillars of Catholic Discipleship, 6/9/21
This week Peter and Leslie Doane introduce the Seven Pillars of Catholic Discipleship. We heard the call from Pope Francis to become missionary disciples. This is a lifelong process rather than a gift bestowed at baptism. Discipleship becomes a clear lifechanging dynamic!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Ignatius of Antioch, 6/4/21
This week Peter and Leslie unpack the second command in the Great Commission., "Make disciples of every nation." We discuss the writings of the great saint, Ignatius of Antioch, and how the early church took up the call to make disciples. Finally, we share how becoming a twenty-first-century Catholic disciple Rebuilds our Church!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Discipleship Quads, 5/28/21
In this week's broadcast, Peter interviews Kristi Scheerbaum. Kristi is a consultant at Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio, and gives leadership to a formation dynamic called Discipleship Quads. Discipleship Quads are a concrete and practical expression to answer the command of Jesus to Go, make disciples of all nations. Discipleship Quads transform individuals and parishes!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Legion of Mary, a Model for Evangelization, 5/21/21
Today, Peter and Leslie interview Lucy Mikula, a member of the well-known apostolate, the Legion of Mary. Lucy shares, with our listening audience, a powerful model the Legion uses to reach out to the neighborhoods of a particular parish. This is an opportunity to learn a practical model for evangelization in Catholic parishes.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - “Make Disciples”, 5/14/21
Today, Peter and Leslie discuss the next important command of the Great Commission: Go Make Disciples of all Nations. We can take what we learn from the Apostles in the first century and apply discipleship to our faith journey!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - “Go, Therefore”, 5/7/21
This week Peter and Leslie open for us the first command of the Great Commission. We are told
by Jesus to "Go, therefore." We will explore the fact that Jesus is the model evangelizer and He calls
us to imitate Him!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Great Commission, 4/30/21
Peter and Leslie introduce our listeners to what has become known as the Great Commission.
We explore the meaning of this important command and discuss the implications for every Catholic believer. Evangelization and discipleship become the two responses to this important call!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Process of Evangelization, 4/22/21
Peter and Leslie continue to discuss the process of conversion. They will help listeners understand the Engel Scale of 'Steps to Christ' and equip Catholics to identify the journey to Encounter Jesus Christ. Click here to learn about the the Engel Scale of Steps to Christ.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH -  The Stages of Conversion, 4/16/21
Peter and Leslie Doane discuss the stages of conversion. When conversion takes place,
discipleship must follow. Click here to learn about the the Engel Scale of Steps to Christ.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH -  7 Steps to Restoration, 4/12/21
Peter and Leslie Doane bring us a discussion of the 7 Steps toward restoration.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH -  The importance of KERYGMA, 3/26/21
Peter and Leslie discuss the importance of the Kerygma. The Acts of the Apostles points
the way! Click here to learn about the 7 step of KERYGMA.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - The Importance of Conversion, 3/19/21
Peter and Leslie discuss the importance of conversion in rebuilding the Church.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Sowing Seeds, 3/12/21
Peter and Leslie discuss the call for the Catholic Faithful to sow the seeds of the Kingdom.
Discover the secret of how we enter this important ministry!

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Faith Shared…A Success Story, 3/05/2021
Peter and Leslie share a success story of shared faith.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Opening the Door to Sharing the Faith, 2/26/21
Peter and Leslie discuss the challenges of opening doors and starting conversations that
lead to the sharing of our faith.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - Writing Your Conversion Story, 2/19/21
Peter and Leslie Doane explore the value of narrative in sharing the faith.

GO REBUILD MY CHURCH - A new show on Catholic Radio Indy, 2/12/21
hosted by Peter and Leslie Doane

FAITH IN ACTION - Encounter Jesus! Transforming Catholic Culture in Crisis, 4/17/20
an interview with Peter Doane