We have developed a discipleship model to be used in Catholic parishes and ministries. Without the discipleship dynamic, ministries quickly become programmatic and lack formation for those involved.
Forming Catholic Disciples Through Small Groups
Love, instruction, prayer, evangelism, and corporal works of mercy
are most powerful when they come out of a “circle.”
Small Faith Communities
Many parishes lack small group structures that build relationships. Forming groups of six to twelve people creates a context for formation and discipleship. Small faith communities help people connect with others and connect their faith to their everyday experience. We have built small groups for over forty years and have seen the Holy Spirit change lives!
Missionary Discipleship Groups
The abundance of programs in parishes often produce results that are a “mile wide and an inch deep.” Using the pattern that Jesus modeled, small discipleship groups are built for spiritual fellowship and training. Within this context we help Catholic disciples to discover, develop and deploy their spiritual gifts
Forming Catholic Disciples Through Teaching & Events
In Matthew 28, Jesus told His disciples to go forth and teach all that He commanded. Inspired teaching informs the mind, stirs the emotions, and commands the will. We take seriously Jesus’ charge to Saint Peter, “Feed My sheep.”
Day of Reflection
A Day of Reflection allows one to slow down a busy life. By concentrating on a specific topic through teaching, prayer, fellowship and silence a person can prioritize becoming a disciple. Jesus modeled this for His disciples by regularly going to a solitary place to pray and seek His Father’s will.
A workshop is an interactive experience where individuals group together to grow in their spiritual life. Topics include, but are not limited to, discovering your charisms, how to tell your story, forming small groups, and the New Evangelization. By creating adult learning communities instruction takes on a whole new dynamic as we share life experiences and learn from each other.
Weekend Retreats
Jesus said to His disciples “come away by yourself to a secluded place and rest a while” (Mark 6.31). Investing time away for a weekend allows a disciple to re-encounter Jesus Christ. When we re-encounter the Lord we become inspired to go forth and extend His kingdom.