Taylor Schroll Taylor Schroll


What scaffolding can teach us about the Church and her ministry.

Scaffolding is only used in the construction of a building; it does not support the building. Once the building is complete, the scaffolding is taken down. It may come as a surprise to some of us that the building continues to stand after the Lord removes the scaffolding. Sometimes it is hard for us to remember that the Kingdom of God is not made up of meetings or organizations. These are part of the necessary scaffolding, which will eventually be removed. Each time we come to another tack and another change in the wind, we are forced to leave some things behind. What we must abandon is the scaffolding, not the building. In the process, we discover that God has added to us understanding that we never had before. We do not want to miss the mark and continue on the same course, but neither can we go back the way we came.

My foundation consists of rich and valuable Pentecostal roots, coupled with a strong theological base from an Episcopalian Seminary, and enhanced repeatedly by fresh encounters with the Holy Spirit. These foundational truths will never change. Foundational truth is not scaffolding; it will always remain part of the building. If I had rejected everything that was part of my experience in those days, I would not only be losing the scaffolding, I would also be removing part of the foundation. We must always build on the foundation of Jesus Christ, His Word in Holy Scripture, and the Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. These will always be an ongoing and eternal part of our experience.

Much of God’s purpose in allowing us to go through major course corrections is to bring about death to that which is carnal and unredeemable. Christ is inexorably committed to burning the chaff. Part of our fleshly nature dies when we have to change our habitual way of doing things, our private revelations, and our comfortable spiritual environment. One of the essential steps toward a New Testament Church community is a practical understanding of what it means to walk in unity within the Body of Christ.

Each one of us has experienced the attitude that says, “When everyone else wises up, they will do things our way.” Each time we are forced to come about and make a course correction, more of that attitude dies, and we are better able to accept other members of the larger Body of Christ for what God has done in them rather than how they compare to our standards and our own way of doing things.

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